Clubs & Organizations Manual
For a full list of Utica University clubs and organizations, please visit:
Rich Racioppa
Dean of Students
- x3286
Marissa Hall
Director for Student Living
- x4575
Devlin Daley
Assistant Director for Campus Engagement
- Greek Life Adviser and Event Management
- x4561
Lauryn Moore
Director of Campus Engagement
- Student Government Association Advisor
- Alpha Lambda Delta (First Year Honor Society) Advisor
- x3285
Other Resources
Campus Safety
- Strebel, x3046
- Problems, theft, security
Sodexo Dining Services
- Damian Boehlert
- Inside Dining Hall in Strebel, x3178
- Catering, snacks, drinks
Facilities Management
- Rich Kennedy
- x3191
- Work orders, requesting set-ups
Copy Center
- Lisa Mudrie-Rabideau
- 185 Gordon Science Center, x3145
- Color flier printing
- Jim Murnane
- Clark Athletic Center, x3281
- Use of fields, events with teams
All student groups at Utica University are organized and operated by our students; therefore, the level of activity varies from year to year based on student interest and participation. Establishing a new student organization on the Utica College campus is a relatively simple procedure.
The following steps to recognition have been taken from Rule 102 of the Bylaws of the Recognition Committee:
(to see a full copy of the Recognition Committee Bylaws, click HERE)
General Criteria:
- The organization must have at least five currently registered Utica University undergraduate members in good academic standing (2.0+).
- The organization must have a President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster. The organization may use different names for those positions, so long as they have equivalent responsibilities.
- The organization must have an advisor who is a current Utica University faculty or staff member.
- The organization must have a Constitution that meets the constitutional criteria listed in these bylaws and does not go against the Student Senate Constitution or any of its bylaws.
Applicants shall apply online at PioHub to begin the recognition process; the Recognition Committee shall screen and approve all changes to the online application in a timely manner.
Constitutional Criteria:
Student Organizations shall be required to create their constitutions in such a way, that they are in accordance to guidelines established by the Recognitions Committee. There is a constitution template at the bottom of this page.
Presentation to the Committee:
Once all general and constitutional criteria is fulfilled, the Student Organization will be contacted by the Recognitions Committee; the committee shall invite the organization to present its proposal for recognition, so that the committee may ensure that the organization has met all of the before mentioned criteria; if an organization has met the criteria, the Recognitions Committee shall vote to determine if the proposal is ready to be heard by the Legislative Assembly.
Presentation to the Legislative Assembly:
If the Recognitions Committee determines that the proposal is ready, the Student Organization shall then be required to present a second proposal for recognition to the Legislative Assembly; the Student Organization will be given a date to attend the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly, where their proposal will be approved or denied. If approved, the Student Organization shall be formally recognized and eligible for funding from the Student Senate.
All recognized organizations must submit a revised Constitution to the Senate every year via re-registration on PioHub. All recognized organizations must identify one fiscal representative in order to receive funding.
Before You Apply:
You MUST have ready:
- The names and e-mail addresses of all members.
- The name, position, department, e-mail address and phone number of a faculty or staff member who has already agreed to be your club advisor.
- An electronic copy of your current constitution able to be uploaded to the PioHub page.
- A photo or image that represents your organization in some way.
Perks of Being a Recognized Club or Organization on Campus
- Student Government funding
- Portal on PioHub
- Participation in the Club & Org Fair
- Hosting Events
- Reserving rooms
- Posting fliers
- Org mailbox
- On-campus fund raising
- Assistance in finding resources
How to Create a Student Club or Organization
If you would like to create your own club, please see the following documents:
- Read the Club and Organization Manual
- Use the Constitution Template as a guideline for writing a constitution.
- Log in PioHub to complete the application registration.
Below is a general outline for a student organization constitution:
Article I- Name of Organization
Article II– Purpose of Organization
Article III- Membership Practice
Article IV- Officers and Their Duties
Article V– Elections
Article VI– Committees
Article VII– Meetings
Article VIII– Financial Records
Article IX– Advisors
Article X- Amendments
When you're ready to register your new club on PioHub, please click HERE!
For more information on existing student clubs and organizations at Utica College, please contact the Office of Student Living and College Engagement at (315) 792-3037.
Clearly, as explained in the Student Senate Constitution, advisors are required in order to receive funding. But what do they do? The role of the advisor may or may not be spelled out in the organization’s constitution, and it does vary from organization to organization. But there are some traits and practices which we can identify that assist a faculty or staff member to successfully act as a group’s advisor.
The advisor first and foremost is an educator who acts in accordance with the goals, values and mission of the University. Advisors must have knowledge and skills which enable them to empower students within the group they advise. Advisors must also role model ethical behavior and, when appropriate, pro-vide direction to organizations which is consistent with University policy.
Advising a student organization can be a rewarding experience, but can also be nerve-wracking. Enthusiastic new advisors can easily fall into the trap of over-advising, or micromanaging, a student group. Conversely, well-meaning advisors can adopt a “hands-off” attitude which can significantly lower the morale and productivity of a student group. As advisors, we often search for balance: we struggle to balance the demands of our “job” with the demands of this “outside” influence. It is our hope that this manual will help advisors in this quest for balance and will be a useful resource for all advisors and the clubs and organizations that they advise.
The Basic Roles of an Advisor are to:
- Provide leadership development and skills training.
- Serve as a resource on policies, procedure, contacts, etc.
- Serve as troubleshooters.
- Provide access to internal and external networks.
- Ask questions that will better prepare students.
- Channel information.
- Monitor expenditures, policies, and goals.
- Provide continuity from year to year.
- Provide a sense of organizational history.
- Provide for smoother leadership transition.
The Student Leader/Advisor Relationship
In any advisee/advisor relationship, expectations will flow two ways. Advisors and student leaders must articulate their expectations of each other. Under-standing and respect are necessary if they are to build a solid base for communicating with each other and work together as a team. Here are some basic assumptions that exist universally in student organizations.
What a student leader expects of an advisor:
- The advisor assists the leader/organization in formulating long-range goals and in planning and initiating short term projects.
- The advisor is a resource person, and evaluates projects, performance and progress.
- The advisor offers guidance by reviewing goals, objectives, and the progress of the organization.
- The advisor assists the student leader with college procedural matters.
- The advisor suggests ways in which the organization may be strengthened or improved.
- The advisor may have access to internal and external networks and information which may be helpful to student groups.
- The advisor represents the organization and its interests in staff and other University meetings.
- The advisor is able to make suggestions that will permit the student leader to improve his or her leadership skills.
- The advisor is accessible, and is available whenever emergency situations/problems arise.
- The advisor should be willing to be wrong and be open to criticism and evaluation.
- The advisor will be willing to allow the group to act on its own and to make mistakes.
- The advisor will encourage the group to maintain records.
- The advisor will encourage the division of labor among group members to sustain member interest.
- The advisor will be willing to assist in role negotiation for each group member.
What an advisor may expect of a student leader:
- The leader keeps the advisor informed as to all organizational activities, meetings, agendas and topics under discussion within committees or the organization at large.
- The student leader meets regularly with the advisor and discusses plans and problems.
- The student leader acts in the best interests of the organization at all times.
- The student leader represents the organization and its interests both to other students and to the University in meetings and at events.
- The student leader assists other students in the organization to develop skills and to provide activities which will significantly enhance the University environment.
- The student leader will be willing to share responsibility with other group members.
- The student leader (or someone assigned by the leader) will document group activities.
- The student leader will help create the group identity.
- Obviously, the advisor role is varied and complex. However, there are several tips that are helpful in establishing a good working relationship with the group:
- Learn as much about the group as you can. Get to know the organization’s purpose, how it was formed, and the organization’s place in the campus culture.
- Get to know the leader and let the leader get to know you. Help that person understand both your roles as an advisor and their roles as a leader. Develop his/her confidence in you.
- Meet with the leader before group meetings begin and discuss the agendas and any current issues or concerns.
- In early meetings, encourage the leader to help the group define its mission and its working procedures. It is important for the group to see the big picture of what it is trying to accomplish.
- Observe the leader with the group. How does he/she function in the group? What type of personality problems does the group have? What are the strengths and weaknesses of its various members as well as its leader? Find out what the leader has observed about this area, comment on strengths you have seen, and offer suggestions on weaknesses you may have noticed.
- Meet regularly with the leader and be available for consultation when something occurs that she/he might need help with outside the regularly scheduled meetings.
Recruitment and retention are not the same thing. The trick is not just in finding new members but in keeping them. An organization needs to evaluate its development and create a plan unique to its membership. There are about eighty clubs and organizations at Utica, each vying for the same student body to become its members. What will make your group different from the others? To be successful, an organization needs to have a clear purpose followed by a well conceived and executed recruitment and retention plan.
Know and understand your organization. Have a meeting to discuss your purpose and goals and to make sure that the current activities and pro-grams support the purpose.
Set recruitment goals– include the number of new members, characteristics of members who will help the group succeed and how you will recruit them. Some questions you might ask are:
- What type of time commitment should be expected?
- What talents are missing that the organization currently needs?
- Are there students from specific majors who will benefit from or add to the organization?
Know what attracts new members. In today’s “react fast or get left behind” society, organizations need to update their approach. Posters and flyers just won’t get it done. New members are easier to attract if:
- The past leaders reflect a positive attitude toward the organization and have a general good feeling about their position.
- The group appears organized and knows what it is doing.
- They feel welcomed and see that support and encouragement are provided.
- There is opportunity for them to learn and to get involved quickly.
It takes six times more energy and expense to recruit a new member than it does to retain one. This expense can be the financial cost of publicizing recruiting efforts or it can be the total member time needed to recruit new members instead of working on projects. Most people will stay motivated when they can take ownership for projects. Retention strategies include:
- Have contact within one week of initial interest/sign up.
- Hold a special welcoming event. Plan a social event with food, a special introduction or establish a ritual or tradition for new members.
- Make the first meeting fun so they will want to come back! Recognize that some won’t come back because they will find other ways to become involved.
- Orient your new members. Encourage old and new members to form bonds by using icebreakers and team-building activities; maybe hold a retreat.
- Remember the new members’ names.
- Get email addresses and phone numbers that are accurate and that the students use. Do not rely on a directory.
- Follow through with emails, post goals, and summarize meeting outcomes.
- Provide reminders of responsibilities. Answer the question, “what’s next?”
- Show appreciation for your members both publicly and in private.
- Have fun together! Know when it is time to work and time to play. No one wants to feel like involvement in an organization is a burden.
Attending meetings is something most students dread. Is this because meetings are often dull, unproductive, disorganized, and too long? The burden of successfully running a meeting falls into the hands of those student leaders who have been elected. Unfortunately, students are often elected to positions without proper knowledge or experience, and figuring out what to do is a matter of trial and error. With proper planning and preparation, any meeting can be effective and enjoyable.
Meetings have several functions. They give members a chance to discuss and evaluate goals and objectives, keep updated on current events, provide a chance to communicate and keep the group cohesive. Most of all, meetings allow groups to pull resources together for decision making. If the facilitator starts with a careful plan and finishes with a thorough follow-up, the meeting will run smoothly. The following are some tips to help you make your next meeting successful, productive and even fun.
Where To Begin?
Student leaders should familiarize themselves with the organization's history, traditions, and operating procedures before even announcing a meeting. Start with the organization's constitution, bylaws, or other documents which describe the rules of the group. Look at old minutes or talk to senior members about how meetings ran in the past. If you are organizing a new group, talk to several active organizations on campus to see how they operate. Be-come familiar with campus resources, facilities, and personnel so you can know where and who to go to for help.
The work of most organizations is accomplished between meetings, not in them. Meetings are generally for planning, reporting, and decision making. Anyone who is scheduled to speak at a meeting should prepare presentations well in advance. If leaders spend some time before the meeting to plan each detail, a lot of headaches will be alleviated, For example:
- Define the purpose of the meeting.
- Develop an agenda. Below is a sample agenda:
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Correction and Approval of Previous Minutes
- Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Announcements
- Distribute the agenda and circulate background material, lengthy documents or articles prior to the meeting so members will be prepared and feel involved.
Making the Arrangements
Choose an appropriate meeting time. Set a time limit and stick to it, if possible. Remember, members have other commitments. They will be more likely to attend meetings if you make them productive, predictable and as short as possible. If possible, arrange the room so that members face each other, e.g., a circle or semicircle. For large groups, try U-shaped rows. Choose a location suitable to your group's size. Small rooms with too many people get stuffy and create tension. A larger room is more comfortable and encourages individual expression. A room too large may encourage members to daydream or become isolated from discussion.
Let all members know about the meeting. Don't rely on only one method of contact. Use the phone, mail, computer, word-of-mouth and public posting to notify members. If you have an office with a phone line, put a message on an answering machine that announces the date and time of the next meeting. That way members can call any time day or night to get information. Always reserve the meeting space immediately after a meeting or for a semester at a time.
During the Meeting
It is important that a leader serves as guides in a meeting, helping members interact in a controlled environment. It is the leader's job to ensure that the conversation does not get too heated and basic courtesies are followed. It is best to decide on some guidelines prior to the meeting so every member knows how decisions will be made. For example:
- Who may recognize a speaker?
- How is a time limit for a topic set?
- How are discussions initiated or motions made?
- How is voting done?
- How are disagreements settled?
- If something is not on the agenda, how will it be handled?
- If a motion fails, can it be discussed again?
- If strict parliamentary procedure is used, how are members trained in its use?
A well-run meeting allows organizations to accomplish their goals and keeps members actively involved and interested. Being able to run successful meetings is something that is learned through practice. The following are a few pointers for a successful meeting:
- Greet members and make them feel welcome, even late members (when possible).
- When possible have ice-breaking and team-building exercises to make your members feel special and build cohesion.
- Start on time. End on time.
- Review the agenda and set priorities for the meeting and stick to them.
- Use visual aids for interest (e.g., posters, diagrams, etc.).
- Encourage group discussion to get all points of view and ideas.
- Keep conversation focused on the topic.
- Tactfully end discussions when they are getting nowhere or becoming destructive or unproductive.
- Keep minutes of the meeting for future reference in case a question or problem arises.
- As a leader, be a role model by listening, showing interest, appreciation and confidence in members.
- Admit mistakes and ask for help.
- Set a date, time and place for the next meeting
After The Meeting
Write up and distribute minutes within 3 or 4 days. Minutes can be uploaded onto Pioneer Place within minutes after a meeting. Quick action reinforces the importance of the meeting to members and reduces errors of memory. Minutes should reflect what was done, not what was said. Generally, personal opinions and quotes of the discussion are avoided. The minutes need to include all the main motions and a summary of the discussions. They should include a report on any actions taken and summary of any reports given. The minutes need to be dated and signed by an officer of the organization. The person who ran the meeting should discuss any problems that arose during the meeting with other officers. He or she needs to follow up on delegation decisions. It is the leader's responsibility to see that all members understand and carry out their duties. Any unfinished business is put on the agenda for the next meeting.
If your meeting needs more structure, you may want to review parliamentary procedure by reading Roberts Rules of Order. If you need less structure, con-sider determining your agenda by brainstorming at the beginning of the meeting on newsprint. By using either of these methods, your participants, guests, officers and committee chairs will have a clear understanding of the purpose of the meeting.
Student organizations provide many events and programs for the campus community. This section is intended as a first step in planning a program. Programming takes careful planning. Many events or activities will have special regulations and policies to follow. In addition, other services or resources may be available to student groups depending on the details of a particular event. Student organizations are strongly encouraged to seek programming advice as early as possible in the planning process. Program planning assistance is available from the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement located on the first floor of the Strebel Student Center.
- The first thing to do when planning an event is to ask yourself and the organization some questions:
- Why you are putting on the event?
- What do you want to achieve by having this program?
- What are your organizational goals and how does this event help you meet them?
- Do you have enough people and resources to organize the event?
- Are your members enthusiastic about organizing this event?
- Is there enough time to organize the event and for publicity items to be created and distributed so that it will be effective?
- Is there a need or interest for the program on campus or in the community?
Brainstorming is a well-known and widely used problem-solving tool. Brain-storming may be just the technique to rejuvenate your organization and get everyone excited and involved. The purpose of this method is to get out as many ideas as possible. You can use brainstorming for almost anything: pro-gram ideas, themes, slogans, publicity, group goals and problem solving. There are just a few simple rules to follow:
1. No evaluating of any kind is allowed. Do not discuss an idea, just go on to the next one. When ideas are judged, members will feel the need to defend themselves and may not wish to participate. Without full participation from all members, the creative process is hindered. Also, when members feel they are being judged, they will censor their ideas to con-form to the group. You do not want conformity. You want the wild, spontaneous, and even the ridiculous. Wild and crazy ideas can springboard more sensible ones or can be tamed down later in the process. The goal at this stage is QUANTITY, not QUALITY!
2. Limit discussion to one issue or program type. Brainstorming needs a goal or something to focus on. It would be too confusing and distracting to try to solve all your problems at once. Pick an issue or topic that all members can speak on.
3. Set a time limit. This will encourage spontaneity and quick thinking.
4. Encourage members to build on what has been said and modify the ideas of others. This reduces the need for people to find the "right" idea and helps keep the session more stimulating and fun.
5. Write down every idea. Use two or three people to record if necessary. You do not have to write down the ideas verbatim, but enough of the concept and key words to be able to remember the idea later. Record all responses on a blackboard or big sheets of newsprint so everyone can see them; do not record the name of the person suggesting.
Checking for Possibilities
After the brainstorming session is over, make good use of the members' creativity. Before ranking or evaluating ideas, group them into related categories for review. This will make it easier to combine similar ideas and weed out duplication. Decide which ideas are possible and which can be eliminated; this can be done by putting pluses and minuses by items or by giving each member a certain number of votes which they can cast to support an idea. The ideas with the greatest number of votes are the ones which have the greatest group support.
Campus Theme
- Programs and events that would fall into this category can be advertised as “Campus Themed” events for this year. It’s a way to showcase an important initiative on the campus, where faculty, staff and students can appreciate the many different cultures that make up our Utica community.
- More info about themes can be found at:
What facility is best matched to the purpose of the event? A theater production is best suited to the Strebel Auditorium. A dance or party would be best in the Pioneer Café or Dining Commons. A dinner could be done in the Library Concourse or the Faculty Dining Room. Think of the requirements of what you are sponsoring and then match them to the proper facility.
When hosting an event you may need additional support for media equipment, food and beverages, tables or other work requests, vehicle requests, or flyers. These should all be requested prior to your organizations attendance at the EMS meeting. The links to these request sites are as follows:
Space reservation – confirmation needed
Catering Requests through Sodexo
Technology Support
Vehicle Request
MUST be a certified van driver (contact Rob Cross, 279 Gordon, x3743)
Copy Center
Event Registration
- through your own Org page
Student groups who wish to use a University room for a meeting or activity should do so by going to the website and filling out the required information online. You must either be using a computer on campus or be connected to the Utica College wireless service in order to reserve space using EMS. Please note that there is a 5-day block placed on the system. This means that if you try to schedule a meeting within five days from the current date, EMS will not allow you to do so. In the event of a scenario such as this you will need to contact one of the offices below and ask for a special exception to be made:
The Office of Student Living and College Engagement ext. 3037
Clark Athletic Center Booking Procedures
The procedure for booking the Clark Athletic Center (whether it is the gym, pool, fitness rooms or classroom) is the same as for booking any other space on campus. The student group (or individual) will request the space they desire on Virtual EMS ( The Athletics staff will check to see if the space is available. If it is not, they will deny the request and send an e-mail to the appropriate person or persons requesting the space. If the space is available, the Athletics staff will determine if the event is appropriate for the space requested and will communicate this determination to the requestor, or request additional information from the requestor. If the Athletics staff feels that there are special needs that need to be addressed before they can approve the event, or after event approval, they can request that the group attend the Event Management Meeting where representatives from Student Living and Campus Engagement, Sodexo, Campus Safety, Facilities, and IITS discuss the needs of upcoming events. If Athletics refers a group to the Event Management Meeting, they should so inform the Dean of Student Affairs and send a representative from their office to also attend the meeting so the needs of all constituents may be evaluated and met if possible. Please note that because the Clark Center is usually heavily booked for athletic events and other related use, most requests for use of space are unlikely to be approved.
Event Management Meetings
In order to make your event a success it may be necessary to attend one of the Student Living and Campus Engagement Event Management Meetings. The Event Management Meetings are a way to go over the events that require the services of other offices and services such as Sodexo, Campus Safety, the Office of Student Living & Campus Engagement, IITS, Maintenance, and events that require audio visual equipment support. If your event was approved, Part II of your Event Request Form will state the day and time of the Events Management Meeting you will be required to attend. Event Management Meetings are held every Monday at 1:00 pm in the Faculty Dining Room.
- Groups planning late night events, or events where large groups are anticipated, are to attend an event management meeting at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Events will be cancelled if the sponsoring group does not attend the appropriate events management meeting. Groups are to submit their plans for their events prior to attending the events management meeting.
- Any event extending past midnight requires the presence of at least one Campus Safety officer throughout the event if estimated attendance is 50+.
- Additional safety officers may be required if attendance significantly greater than 50 is anticipated. This decision will be made at the events management meeting at least two weeks prior to the date of the event.
- All events will end by 2:00 a.m.
- Individuals staffing the event, whether students or employees of the college, are to identify themselves to Campus Safety officers prior to the event and periodically walk through the event to assess the tenor of the crowd and provide assistance when needed.
- Obviously intoxicated individuals will be asked to leave, although discretion will be used if it seems likely that doing so will exacerbate an already difficult situation.
- Exceptions to these parameters may be granted only by events management staff at the events management meeting the sponsoring group attends. Such exceptions will be made by consensus of the events management group.
When Contacting an Artist and Agents Keep These Tips in Mind
- Be courteous and professional
- Know what you want to say, and practice
- Have specifics ready, like date, time, and location
- Use your advisor to get tips on how to talk to agents
- Understand that it may take a few follow up calls to get an answer, do not bombard agent with communication
- DO NOT agree to anything over the phone or in writing
- Keep your budget in mind. The performer is not the only thing you have to pay for.
- Don’t agree to pay for anything that you don’t have money allocated for.
- Don’t be rude or act like they have to help you. They can say no.
- ONE PERSON ON CAMPUS has authority to sign contracts, it’s NOT you, so don’t sign anything.
When Dealing with Contracts:
- Any contracts need to be approved by Student Living and Campus Engagement before signature
- Org Advisor and Org President need to set up a meeting with Student Living and College Engagement to get contracts signed
- Meeting deadline is AT LEAST 2 weeks BEFORE event date
- Student Living and College Engagement has Utica University Standard contracts. If you are unsure if your artist requires a contract, ask us!
Rules and Regulations for Campus Parties Which Require Campus Safety
These Rules and Regulations are intended for any campus event hosted by a student organization in which there is a reasonable expectation that a large number of non-Utica University students will be in attendance. If you or your organization is planning on hosting one of these events you should first complete the following checklist:
- Go to Student Living and College Engagement and obtain a Large Event and Late Night Request Form.
- Schedule a facility for the event.
- Complete the first two sections of the form and then take the Event Checklist to each of the offices listed to obtain their approval. This form must be completed, with all signatures, at least three weeks prior to hosting the event. Completion of this form does not give permission to host the event until the Approval section has been signed by the appropriate college official.
- Be sure to comply with the Responsibilities and Ticket Procedures to ensure that you can host parties in the future.
Responsibilities of Campus Safety and Local Police Agencies
The Director of Campus Safety will develop a pool of local police officers to work with groups on a regular basis. The Director’s objective is to establish the pool in order to increase both the groups’ familiarity with the officers and the officers’ familiarity with the University and its students.
The Director of Campus Safety will determine how many officers are required for each event. The charge for this detail will be determined by the acting police force, and it is to be paid by the sponsoring organization in cash. This cash payment will be made available to Campus Safety or to the organization’s advisor prior to the beginning of the party to ensure that the funds are available. The police detail will be paid in full at the end of the function, even if the party is ended early for any reason. In the event of a party cancellation, 72 hours prior notice is required; otherwise, the police detail will still need to be paid by the sponsoring organization in full on the day of the event.
The local police agency and/or Campus Safety will patrol and control movement in and around the party, including, but not limited to, the Strebel Dining Commons, the Pioneer Café, the lounge area, and outside of Strebel Student Center, including parking areas.
An officer will be assigned at the entrance to “wand” all people entering the party with a metal detector for weapons and contraband. The sponsoring organization will take direction from the Campus Safety and/or police officers regarding the handling of individuals under suspicion for illegal or un-safe activities. After 1:00 a.m., a police officer will also be responsible for assisting with patrolling and controlling the area in front of the Strebel Stu-dent Center.
SODEXO will ensure that the Dining Commons or the Pioneer Café has been cleaned and swept before the event is scheduled to begin. SODEXO will also provide equipment needed by members of the student organization to clean the premises thoroughly after the party has ended.
Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Organization
Sponsoring organizations will post the following information at the entrance and/or check-in desk at the time of the event:
- ID is a MUST- Utica College ID’s must be presented upon entering. GUEST ID’s WILL BE COLLECTED AND RETURNED AT THE END OF YOUR STAY.
- No loitering in front of or around the buildings
- No alcohol allowed in or around the Strebel Student Center
- No weapons of any kind allowed. Come in Peace!
- All will be subject to a Campus Safety search
- No Smoking allowed in the building.
- You must have a valid Utica University ID or be the guest of a Utica University student to attend.
The faculty/staff advisor of the sponsoring organization, or another faculty/ staff member familiar with the organization, must be present throughout the event to assist the student leaders working at the event. The advisor will meet with the Director of Student Living and Campus Engagement to review party procedures and to ensure that they understand the ticket policy.
The sponsoring organization will meet no less than one week prior to the scheduled event with the Director of Campus Safety to confirm that arrangements for Campus Safety/ local police agency coverage have been finalized. College officials and the sponsoring organization reserve the right to refuse admittance to any group or individual.
The sponsoring organization will meet with Campus Safety 30 minutes before the event to introduce the Campus Safety officers to the advisor and to the students who have been identified as responsible for carrying out the as-signed duties. At this time they will review expectations and responsibilities with Campus Safety. Fifteen minutes prior to the event, the local police detail will be introduced to the advisor and the students working the event.
Sponsoring organizations will identify for Campus Safety, and the police officers, persons in their organization responsible for helping the police detail and Campus Safety officer to carry out the assigned duties. Students identified as helpers will wear nametags or some uniform symbol or clothing identifying them as such.
Members of the sponsoring organization will remain alert, engaged, and avail-able to work with Campus Safety/ local police agency personnel. Each will be respectful of each other’s needs and requests.
Members of the sponsoring organization are responsible for checking all Utica students’ ID cards upon entering the event. They are also responsible for the collection and organization of non-Utica identification cards. Non-Utica identification cards will be collected and placed in alphabetical order. Identification cards must never be left unattended. At the end of the evening the sponsor-ing organization will return all identification cards to guests in an orderly and timely manner. Unclaimed ID cards will be turned in to Campus Safety at the end of the event.
Members of the sponsoring organization are responsible for decorating the space in a safe and responsible manner. No paper may be used to cover existing windows or to restrict the view.
Code of Conduct
All attendants of events hosted either on Utica University campus or by a Utica University club or organization are held to the Utica University Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct can be found online at:
For more information on the Utica University Code of Conduct please contact the Office of Student Affairs at x3100.
Cancellation Policy
The next party is always contingent upon the success of the last party. When serious problems occur during these events, the Director of Student Living and Campus Engagement reserves the right to cancel any and all party activities until further notice.
Sponsoring organizations must give notice of cancellation at least 48 hours prior to scheduled event to avoid being charged for police agency personnel.
Copyrights and Licenses
- CANNOT show movies without buying the copyright license
- CANNOT print anything (fliers, apparel, etc.) with copy written images, slogans or logos
- CANNOT use any Utica logos (strictly athletics)
The following procedures are to be followed by student organizations hosting events:
- All events requiring an admission cost (this is the definition of a ticket) must use the online box office,
- To request your ticket to be created on Utica Tickets, print out and hand in the Utica Tickets Request Form at least 2 weeks before your event. Form found here:
- Before you can register your event, your organization must have an Agency Account. Contact General Accounting, (315) 792-3031 to find out if your organization has an Agency Account and what the number is.
- If your organization does not have an Agency Account, one can be requested by submitting the Agency Account Request Form to General Accounting, 205 DePerno Hall. Agency Account Request Form found here:
- Tickets will be available to purchase online at any time using credit cards and in the SLCE Office using cash during regular business hours.
- Tickets can begin being sold at any time. Ticket sales will end no later than halfway through the event. The SLCE and Campus Safety Offices reserve the right to alter the ticket sale end time at their discretion.
- If the event will have off-campus guests and is going past midnight, your organization must also fill out a Large Event Form, found online at:
- All attendees of Large Events, both Utica students and non-Utica guests, must have an admission ticket from Utica student tickets will be free if the event was monetarily sponsored by SGA funds. Utica students will be allowed in without a ticket only at the discretion of a SLCE or Campus Safety staff member.
- For an event with ticket sales, if the sponsoring organization will be collaborating with another organization, the SLCE Office needs to be notified at least a week before the event.
- In cases of collaboration, the Utica Tickets Request Form must detail the revenue split for each organization and must list all organizations' Agency Account numbers.
- The sponsoring organization will be able to set aside a number of “comp” tickets. These are not to be sold under any circumstances and are only available for members of that organization.
- Comp tickets will be given out to the event hosts by SLCE staff if requested in writing in advance and picked up by the close of business hours the day before the event. For weekend events, pick up no later than the Friday before the event at close of business. They must be distributed before the event and are NON-TRANSFERABLE.
- Organizations are prohibited from accepting cash for the sale of tickets at the door. Tickets can be purchased through the box office at the time of the event and shown at the door to gain entry, as long as sales are still open.
- Cash donations at the door are acceptable. Donations are defined as optional, undefined amounts of money that are not required for entry into the event. Donations must be collected in a container which is able to be closed.
- It is the responsibility of the students to obtain the Utica Tickets scanner from the SLCE Office during regular office hours before the event.
- As a forewarning, the funds from selling tickets on Utica Tickets will not be deposited in your organization’s Agency Account until about 6 weeks after your event is held.
- Sponsoring organizations will recognize the validity of tickets only when the person is able to produce a picture ID. No tickets will be sold at the door or at any other location other than aforementioned areas before or during the event for any reason.
Ticket fees are charged to the organization and are taken off the total revenue. Fees are based on ticket pricing and are as follows:
- If ticket cost FREE, fee $0.25 per ticket sold
- If ticket cost $0.01-$9.99, fee $0.50 per ticket sold
- If ticket cost $10.00-$19.99, fee $1.00 per ticket sold
- If ticket cost $20.00 or above, fee $2.00 per ticket sold
Sponsoring organizations are responsible for including the following information in their advertising:
- Tickets are to be purchased in advance.
- Both Utica students and guests are required to have tickets for Large Events.
- No tickets will be sold at the door.
- Date, time and location of the event.
- Name of the organization(s) hosting the event, plus contact information.
- When and where tickets will be available.
- The need to have ID with your ticket for admission, Any faculty or staff member can ask to see ID at any time and reserves the right to deny entry.
- Every guest who attends a large event must be a guest of a Utica University student. Only one guest per student will be allowed.
Utica University events may not be advertised anywhere off campus or on other college campuses; violation of this restriction is grounds for immediate cancellation of the party.
Sponsoring organizations will also enforce the “once you pay, you stay” rule. This rule applies to people who pay for the party and then either loiter in the lounge or leave the event venue building, only to return minutes or hours later. The rule requires people to pay for the event and then remain inside the venue. If they leave the building they shall not be readmitted. If a Campus Safety Officer or a Utica University faculty or staff member asks someone to leave, they must leave immediately, or face consequences.
Those attending the event must possess a ticket and present a valid college ID or be a guest of a Utica University student. If the host leaves, the guest must also leave. No guest is allowed to enter or stay at the event without their host being present.
The established capacity of the event space (outlined on the EMS website) will not be exceeded. Tickets will only be sold up to the capacity of the facility, and comps count towards the capacity as well.
The supervising SLCE staff member or Campus Safety Officer, or the organization's faculty/staff advisor have the authority to close down an event at any time. The sponsoring organization will fully cooperate and assist with such action if it becomes necessary, or face consequences.
Sponsoring organizations will assist with closing. Closing includes helping supervisors to clear the premises and making certain that the venue is swept and cleaned. This means free of debris, spilled liquids, bottles, and cans at the end of the event and ensuring that tables and chairs are placed back in the proper configuration.
Sponsoring organizations that do not comply with these guidelines may lose their right to hold additional functions on campus and may be put through the Utica College Conduct Process.
Fliers must:
- Have SLCE stamp
- Be no larger than 11" x 17"
- Include organization or e-board member contact information
- Not include racist, sexist, or bias related words or images
- FREE! Email:
- Ads cost money
- E-mail the Tangerine at
- Reserve Promotional Table #1 or Promotional Table #2 through EMS
Posting Policy
The Posting Policy is a description of the procedures used in advertising an event on campus. The policy can be found here:
The Student Senate Constitution (Article V, Section 9) outlines the criteria and procedure for a club/organization to be recognized and receive funding. The Student Senate must approve new student organizations through PioHub. Recognized student organizations are listed on the Pioneer Place website here
Recognized student organizations are also required to complete the re-registration process at the end of each spring semester in order to retain recognition status and be eligible to receive funding for events. Find information on re-registration here
Funding from the Student Senate:
The Student Senate Finance Committee administers the club funding process, as outlined in the accompanying flow chart. In the case of allocations of $100 or less, the Finance Committee is the only approving body. All other allocations must also come before the full Student Senate for approval. Contact the Comptroller in the Student Senate office (ext. 3200) well in advance of your event to pick up the funding request packet, which includes criteria for proposal writing, the funding request form and related information. Forms are also available from the Director of Student Living and College Engagement Office. The Finance Committee generally meets Wednesday afternoons in 105C, the Student Senate Gray Room in Strebel Student Center to hear presentations of club funding requests.
Funding for organizations will only be given for:
- Campus-wide events encompassing the whole student body.
- Cultural or educational events of exceptional merit.
- Student travel that benefits the College community.
For standing precedents for funding set by the Student Senate Finance Committee, as well as other information on funding, see the Utica University Student Senate Finance Committee Constitutional Supplement on Student Senate's website.
Co-sponsorship - Student organizations are encouraged to consider co-sponsoring programs with other organizations or offices. Program co-sponsorship can make the program more affordable, increase attendance, attract multiple audiences, and increase collaboration with other organizations. As you consider possible programs, think about what other groups or offices might be logical co-sponsors for particular programs.
Other sources of possible funding or co-sponsorship are:
Utica University Programming Board – The purposes of UPB are to establish a social calendar and publicize it, prepare and present programming that will appeal to the entire student body, provide regularly scheduled programming, and acquaint students with a diverse programming schedule. While UPB does not fund student organizations, it may consider co-sponsoring (including paying for part of) an event or program with one or more other student groups. Contact UPB at
Social/Cultural Committee – The mission of this committee is to contribute to the cultural and intellectual enrichment of the campus community by introducing new ideas and art forms, and through its programming, bring the cam-pus community closer together. Funding priorities include traditional University programs, programs of cultural/intellectual significance, and co-sponsorship of programs with other groups. Contact the Director of Student Living and Campus Engagement for copies of their policies and procedures, funding criteria and priorities and committee details.
Diversity Committee – Its functions are to increase awareness and appreciation of diversity on campus and in society at large and to implement programs and activities that build a sense of unity within and across groups. Contact the Dean of Students for more information.
Academic or Administrative Departments – Most departments or divisions have either no or only very limited funding for programming. Depending upon the nature of a proposed program and its target audience, however, they may be very interested in co-sponsoring an event or activity either by assisting with the planning, identifying potential speakers at reasonable costs, identifying other funding sources, and/or helping with the marketing for the program.
A final caution - Funding for a program should be secured before making a commitment to sponsor an event. Funding sources may include applying for Student Senate funds, exploring co-sponsorship with another group, fund-raising, or payment from the existing treasury of the student organization. Officers and members of student organizations should know that they may be held personally liable for any actions taken by the organization. For example, if performers or vendors are not paid for services rendered, the group is liable for the debt. Student organizations not honoring their debt could find that their organization and/or its officers are prosecuted, depending upon the amount of money involved and the circumstances surrounding the situation. So plan ahead, and do not make commitments until you are certain that you can honor them.
The Student Senate Constitution (Article VIII) outlines the following funding criteria. The Constitution and all funding related forms are available online at:
- Complete event registration form on PioHub
- Secure funding for an event from Student Government Association
- Check room availability and request space on EMS- confirmations of space are sent via email
- Delegate these tasks to organization members or committee- who’s in charge of what?
- Schedule organization members to work event
- Inform advisor regarding event
- Begin communication with performer (if needed)
- Arrangements for Catering (Off-Campus Catering ONLY with permission from Sodexo)
- Put in a work order for room set-up
- Request electronics from Media Center
- Notify Campus Safety
- Design, print, and pick-up fliers
- Schedule contract meeting with Fran (if you have an outside performer)
- Attend Event Management meeting 2 WEEKS before event
- Media, Security, Set-up, Food
- Post fliers, send ad to Daysheet and/or Tangerine
- Ticket Request Form (if ticketed event, for using
- Have a GREAT event!
Event Assessment
** This is an important final part of any event **
- Discover if what was originally planned for event was carried out.
- Determine if you met the goals you originally set for your program.
- Gather valuable information to help others decide if the program should be repeated and provide help in planning similar programs in the future.
Three Types of Evaluation
1) Audience Evaluation (subjective)
Programs are planned for audiences so it is important to learn what they thought. This can be done through leaving cards on seats, having a table with evaluation forms, etc.
Questions to consider:(provide some sort of scale for audience to use)
- How would you rate the event?
- How would you rate the facility?
- How would you rate the publicity for this program?
- How would you rate the event overall?
You may also wish to learn about the demographics of the audience (class, major, residence) and inquire about your marketing plan (How did you hear about this program?).
2) Program Planner Evaluation (subjective)
Getting all of your own thoughts down about the difficulties and things that went well will help the next person planning a similar program and will help you evaluate your own skills.
Questions to consider:
- What were the goals and the purpose of this program?
- Were the goals met?
- Was there a current need or interest in the program area?
- Who was your target audience? Did you reach them?
- Was the expense of the program and the planned publicity proportional to the amount of student interest and expected audience?
- Was the publicity effective?
- Were the committee members sufficiently enthusiastic about the program to be eager to work and promote it?
- Was the timing of the program advantageous to its success?
- Was there enough time to sufficiently publicize the program?
- What were the financial risks?
- How did the program compare to the budget (over, even, under)?
- What could have been done differently?
3) Factual Evaluation (objective)
Find out how many people attended your program and how much money you actually spent. Compare these figures with your original program plan.
Program Evaluation Forms and data from other programs are available in the Student Living and Campus Engagement Office.
Organizational Assessment
Organizational evaluation is an important part of the officer transition or goal setting process. Use the following outline to reflect on the performance of the organization as a whole over the past year.
Review the group's goals for the previous year.
- What did we hope to accomplish?
- How well did we meet each goal?
- Which goals should be continued?
- Which goals should be dropped?
Evaluate the number of members and their level of involvement.
- Do we currently have just enough, too few, or too many members (in light of the group's goals)?
- How effective are our membership recruitment efforts?
- Are the members actively involved in the operation of the club (including decision making, planning, implementing, and evaluation)?
- Are members enthusiastic about the group's activities and motivated to work towards the group's goals?
- Were there adequate opportunities for members to get involved in responsible, meaningful ways?
Reflect on the nature of the meetings (both executive board and general body).
- Were they well attended?
- Did they run too short or too long?
- Were meetings run effectively and efficiently?
- Was the frequency of meetings appropriate?
- How can they be improved?
Organizational Operations
- Evaluate the finances, structure, scheduling, etc.
- Were the finances adequate for the group's activities?
- Was the budget managed properly?
- Do we have a committee structure? If yes, did it work? If no, is it needed?
- Do we experience scheduling conflicts with other groups or activities?
Outreach Activities
Evaluate the quantity and quality of other members' participation in the organization and/or its activities.
- Was our advisor involved just enough, too much, or too little?
Professional Student Travel Fund
The Professional Student Travel Fund supports the travel expenses of students who attend and present at professional conferences. Funding requests are reviewed by the Finance Committee group designated by the Student Government Association. If you have any questions, please reach out to Chair of the Finance Committee, Katelyn Calkins (
Apply for funding using this form:
Your year as an officer is coming to an end and new officers are being selected. How do you leave your position gracefully? How do you ensure that the new officers are ready to continue to provide your organization with strong leadership?
Thorough leadership transition has several benefits:
- Provides for transfer of significant organizational knowledge.
- Minimizes the confusion of leadership changeover.
- Gives outgoing leaders a sense of closure.
- Utilizes the valuable contributions of experienced leaders, usually the most neglected members in your group.
- Helps incoming leadership absorb the special expertise of the out-going leadership.
- Increases the knowledge and confidence of the new leadership.
- Minimizes the loss of momentum and accomplishments for the group.
When Do You Start?
- Begin early in the year to identify emerging leaders.
- Encourage these potential leaders through personal contact, help in developing skills, delegating responsibility to them, sharing with them the personal benefits of leadership, clarifying job responsibilities, letting them know that transition will be orderly and thorough, and last, modeling an open, encouraging leadership style.
- When new officers have been elected, orient them together as a group with all of the outgoing officers. This process provides the new leaders with an opportunity to understand each other's roles and to start building their leadership team.
Prior to transitioning, outgoing officers need to:
- Revise officer position description
- Clean out/organize officer notebook
- Write a year-end report including a summary of major projects, pro-grams and events, challenges faced, outcomes and suggestions for future planning. Make sure all records, reports and bills are filed and up-to-date.
Officer Transition Workshop Outline
Orgs should create their own Officer Transition Workshops to better explain everything that the org does to the new and continuing members. The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement does not provide these workshops, but will help organization leaders to create one. For a successful workshop, follow these guidelines:
Time: approximately 3 hours
Supplies: flip chart/newsprint, markers, copies of group goals
Attendance: all incoming and outgoing officers, advisor
Part I: Group Information Sharing
Assess the success of the group in the following areas:
- Goals
- Membership
- Meetings
- Organizational Operations
- Outreach Activities
- Public Image
- Programs and Activities
Part II: One-on-One Officer Sharing
Match outgoing and incoming officers by position. They should discuss:
- Major responsibilities of the position/office
- Goals accomplished during the past year
- Ongoing projects and goals
- Major challenges encountered and how to deal with them
- Officer Notebook
- Ideas for the future
Part III: A Meeting Run by Outgoing and Incoming Officers
- Incoming officers conduct the meeting with outgoing officers pre-sent to offer support
- After the meeting, all officers evaluate the meeting, making notes for improvement
What Information & Skills Do You Need To Transfer?
Think back to your first weeks. What could you have used to do your job better?
Some suggestions are...
Effective leadership qualities and skills.
Problems and helpful ideas, procedures and recommendations.
Written reports containing information on:
- Traditions, ideas or completed projects; continuing projects and concerns; or ideas never carried out
- Personal notes and organizational files
- Office procedures Instructions on use of equipment, computers or other supplies
- Introduction to personnel (advisors, administrators, contacts, etc.).
A complete record of the organization's structure, goals and accomplishments (through complete and organized files):
- Constitution and by-laws
- Organization purpose or mission statement
- Organizational goals and objectives for previous years
- Officer descriptions/role clarification
- Status reports on ongoing projects
- Evaluations of previous projects and programs
- Minutes for previous 3 years
- Resources/contacts lists with addresses, email and phone numbers
- Financial records for previous 5 years
- Mailing lists
If you are looking for help in a specific area and you don't see a link listed here, e-mail to suggest a training topic be added.
Video Tutorials - General Use
(Note: Utica login required to view videos)
- Portal Overview
- Organization Management
- Event Requests and Management
- Tracking Meeting Attendance
- Event Check-In
- Analytics
More training videos are being added continuously. Check our Google Drive folder for new additions:
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